The CBI Saturday filed a charge sheet against Congress leader Jagdish Tytler and controversial arms agent Abhishek Verma for allegedly forging a letter to the prime minister in 2009 on the letterhead of then minister Ajay Maken for easing of business visa norms.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed the charge sheet in Patiala House court.
According to the investigating team, the forged letter was given to a China-based telecom firm with the purpose of wrongfully assuring them of visa extension in India.
The case of registered by CBI in August last year after Maken reported that the letter was forged.
Tytler has, however, denied his involvement in the case.
"This is completely false, they confronted me with Abhishek Verma but even call records showed that I have never spoken to Ajay Maken about this," he said.