The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has returned a bag containing jewellery worth Rs.4 lakh to the person who mistakenly left it behind at the Chandni Chowk Metro Station, an official said on Sunday.
A CISF official on Saturday evening noticed an unclaimed bag at the X-ray scanning machine at Chandni Chowk Metro station.
The official segregated the bag for a second scanning and found that it contained jewellery worth about Rs.4 lakh, a senior official said on Sunday.
A Delhi-based jeweller, identified as V. Khandelwal, later returned to the place to claim the bag from Metro authorities, which was duly returned following verifications.
"Khandelwal said he got busy on a phone call and in the meantime forgot to collect the bag after he put it on the X-ray scanner," the official said.