Delhi saw a clear Sunday with the maximum temperature recorded at 19 degrees Celsius, a notch below the season's average. The Met has forecast a clear Monday.
"There will be moderate fog Monday morning. However the day later will be clear," said an official of the India Meteorological Department (IMD).
The maximum and the minimum temperatures of the day are likely to hover around 20 degrees and 10 degrees Celsius.
The fog Sunday morning in and around the national capital delayed 33 trains, according to the Northern Railway, while 10 trains were rescheduled and 15 were cancelled.
Also, the arrival of three flights to Delhi were delayed due to the poor visibility, said a statement from the Indira Gandhi International(IGI) airport.
The minimum temperature Sunday settled at five notches above the season's average at 12 degrees Celsius.
The maximum temperature Saturday settled at 16.8 degrees Celsius, four notches below the season's average, and the minimum at 13.8 degrees Celsius, seven notches above the season's average.