Actress-turned-politician Roopa Ganguly of the BJP, who on Wednesday approached the Election Commission with her grievances, said her complaints regarding the fourth phase of the West Bengal assembly polls were not being addressed properly.
"I am being shunted from returning officer, poll observers to chief electoral officer. There were 131 incidents. I have submitted necessary documents... let's see what happens. I don't think they (the poll panel) have awakened from their sleep yet," Ganguly told the media.
The BJP's star candidate on Monday faced angry protests by Trinamool Congress activists in Howrah North during the fourth phase of the assembly polls.
The actress-turned-politician, who is contesting from Howrah North, alleged "rampant booth capturing" and voter intimidation by Trinamool goons in her constituency.
A police case was registered against her for assaulting a woman voter and preventing her from casting her ballot.