The BJP Thursday said the Congress is out of its mind as the ruling party approached the Election Commission against Narendra Modi's road show in Varanasi before he filed his nomination.
"The Congress is out of its mind and needs some treatment," Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said.
The Congress approached the Election Commission Thursday to complain against telecast of the road show ahead of the BJP's prime ministerial candidate Modi filing his nomination papers from the holy city.
"They have lost their calm and do not even understand what they are saying... Election Commission fixed the date for nomination. Should there be an FIR against Election Commission or the media? What is wrong in filing nomination on a day designated for filing nomination?" Javadekar said.
The party said the Congress does not have any other issues to oppose the BJP.
"Congress is unable to understand how to oppose the BJP now, so they are talking nonsense," he said.
He added Congress president Sonia Gandhi's rally was also shown on TV.