The Congress party on Wednesday took a swipe at actor Rishi Kapoor for questioning why important assets of the country were named after the Gandhi family, by asking if the veteran actor has "any role to play in India's public life".
The Congress on Wednesday said people were targeting the Gandhis "to get into the good books" of the ruling BJP.
Congress spokesperson Manish Tewary said: "Last time I heard of him was when he acted in some movie called 'Bobby'. That's quite a few years ago. After that I have not heard of him. Does he have any role to play in India's public life? This stage doesn't deem fit to reply to this question."
Congress spokesperson P.C. Chacko, without naming the veteran actor, told the media that the comments targetting the Gandhis were "merely an attempt by some people to get into the good books of those in power".
Chacko said he had not seen Rishi Kapoor's tweets "but it seems that some people are trying to abuse the Congress leadership just to get into the good books of the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party)."
"They want to please somebody in power. They can have it but not at the expense of the Congress. We don't take it seriously and it is not worth any comments at all," he said.
Rishi Kapoor earlier in a series of tweets deprecated the fact that previous Congress governments have named important assets of the country only after the Gandhi family.
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He said the present government must consider renaming the assets after those who have contributed to the society.
He asked why Delhi's airport was named Indira Gandhi International Airport. "Why not Mahatma Gandhi or Bhagat Singh, Ambedkar or on my name Rishi Kapoor. As superficial! What say."