The Congress on Monday welcomed the decision of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) saying no to discriminatory pricing of data content and said it vindicates the position of the party as articulated by party vice president Rahul Gandhi.
"The decision, though taken after contradictory posturing on part of the government, vindicates the demands raised consistently and unequivocally by Rahul Gandhi as indeed millions of net neutrality supporters, activists and internet users across the country," Randeep Singh Surjewala, the Congress party in-charge of communications, said in a statement.
"We salute their spirit and resolve. It proves that determination and grit of 21st century Indians on an idea like 'free internet' founded on core value of 'freedom' can win over the interest of big lobbyists and corporations," Surjewala added.
The Congress hoped that the government will now look seriously and sincerely into the issue of call drops "that is afflicting nearly 100 crore mobile phone users across service providers".
Surjewala said Gandhi had stood alongside the net neutrality activists, met them and raised the issue inside and outside parliament.
"The Congress hopes that the government will continue to listen to the voice of people and take decisions in support of their cause rather than further the profiteering motives of a few," the release said.
The telecom watchdog on Monday said no to discriminatory pricing of data content in a move seen as an endorsement of net neutrality and a setback to offerings such as Facebook's Free Basics and Airtel Zero,.