Spelling fresh trouble for Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma, a Mumbai consumer activist moved the court against the filmmaker for his recent controversial tweets on Lord Ganesha, here Saturday.
Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI) media head and chief of Indus Communications Viveck Shettyy filed the case in the Andheri Metropolitan Magistrate Court.
"Varma's comments are deliberate and malicious, and clearly intended to outrage religious feelings...thereby constitute an offence under the Indian Penal Code," Shettyy said.
Shettyy also urged people within and outside the film industry to boycott all films by Varma as a mark of protest.
Last week, some political and social activists in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi and other places also filed police complaints against Varma for what they termed "Verma's objectionable tweets" denigrating the elephant-headed god.
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Varma Aug 29, posted certain tweets and jocular remarks on Lord Ganesh, which many people said were objectionable and in poor taste.
Though he subsequently apologized for his comments, police said they will investigate the case before taking further action.
Social activists and organisations, including the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, have condemned Varma's comments and demanded an apology from him as well as strict police action against him.