Tamil director C. Sathiyamoorthy, who is directing upcoming Tamil thriller titled "CSK - Life Is Not A Game", says the film is not about cricket, but the game does have an important part in the film.
"It's a thriller story at heart, but the protagonist is an ambitious cricketer who aspires to play for the Chennai Super Kings (CSK, the Indian Premier League) team. Since the hero is passionate about cricket, I decided to use the name CSK for the title to have a Chennai connect," Sathiyamoorthy told IANS.
"CSK in the film are the first letters of the names of three key characters - Charles, Shafiq and Karthika. The story revolves around the events that take place in the lives of these characters," he added.
Asked if he chose the title to create buzz around the film, he said: "I chose it because it had an association with the story. By simply having the title CSK won't create any buzz, but it may definitely draw attention."
Produced by C. Srinivasan, the film features Sharran Kumar, Narayan, Vimal, Jai Quehaeni and Mishal. The film is nearing completion and is likely to be released soon.