Indian Cricket board interim chief Jagmohan Dalmiya Monday did not rule out representing BCCI in the International Cricket Council, but said the final decision was yet to be taken.
"Regarding representation of BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) in the ICC, a decision will be taken. But it has not yet been decided," he said.
"Yes, I am entitled. I may represent. Or someone else may represent. It is my choice," Dalmiya told a crowded media meet at the Eden Gardens here.
Dalmiya, who promised to keep "no stone unturned" to cleanse Indian cricket, said the game was going through "difficult times" in the country, but exuded confidence that he would be able to tackle the situation "with the help of all".
"I will not leave any stone unturned to clean cricket. All efforts will be made to achieve the ultimate goal," he said.