The Delhi Commission for Women on Wednesday asked the city's 23 educational bodies, including the Delhi University, to state the number of sexual harassment complaints received from students or employees since 2013-14.
"We are conducting a study on women's safety in Delhi... Collecting data will help us in ensuring effective implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act," Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal said in the notice.
The notice seeks details of the Sexual Harassment Committee or the Internal Complaints Committee that takes up sexual harassment-related issues in the universities and colleges.
The Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and educational bodies of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, National Institute of Technology-Delhi are among those which have been issued the notice to furnish details.
The notice comes a day after the DCW issued summons against St. Stephen's College professor Satish Kumar, accused of molesting a research scholar, and principal Valson Thampu.
In the Wednesday's notice, Maliwal has also sought details of the existing mechanism and rules to deal with the complaints filed.
The details of the funds being allotted and expenditure of the Sexual Harassment Committees in the university has also been sought.