The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Tuesday asked Jamia Milia Islamia University to explain its decision to deny entry to female students in hostels after late evening hours.
In a letter to university's vice chairman Talat Ahmed, DCW chief Swati Maliwal said though the step appeared to have been taken for women's safety, "completely disallowing the entry of girls students after 8 p.m. may end up putting them at greater risk".
The university had directed female inmates to be back in their hostels by 8 p.m.
Asserting that DCW had the authority to investigate and examine matters related to women safety, Maliwal said: "In light of this, I would appreciate that you provide a copy of the previous guidelines with regards to the hostel timings as well as explain the reasons for imposing such restrictions on girl students within seven days of the receipt of the letter."