Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal on Thursday sought a detailed report from the Delhi State Aids Control Society within a week on the current status of supply of condoms to GB Road - a red light area here - an official said.
In a letter to Delhi State Aids Control Society (DSACS) director Mrinalini Darswal, Maliwal wrote: "During my visit to GB Road, I have discovered that the sex workers have not been receiving condoms from DSACS for the past several months and are forced to purchase them."
"Please submit a detailed report on the current status of supply of condoms to GB Road by DSACS and reasons for non-supply of condoms for the past several months, within one week of receipt of this letter," she wrote.
Maliwal on Thursday visited GB Road in central Delhi for the second time.
She earlier visited the area a few days back after being appointed the DCW chief.