The Delhi High Court on Wednesday transferred to the Crime Branch the case of a seven-year-old girl's rape in a municipal school in February 2013.
A division bench of Chief Justice G. Rohini and Justice R.S. Endlaw transferred the case to the Crime branch after Delhi Police submitted that the culprit could not be traced though investigation was going on in the case.
On February 28, 2013, a Class Two girl was raped inside the Magolpuri school of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
The accused raped her during lunch break. The girl claimed the rapist threatened her of dire consequences if she told anyone about the incident.
After the girl reached her home, she disclosed the incident to her mother, after which a complaint was filed with police.
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Police had prepared a sketch of the accused with the help of the child, but no one could be arrested as she could not identify her attacker.
Hearing the case, the bench slammed Delhi Police for inability to identify the attacker even after almost two years.
"How is this possible that a seven-year-old child was raped and you found no accused till date?" asked the bench.
"It may be teachers or staff...Maybe the school is conniving... Why it is so difficult to trace a person," court asked police.