Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said on Monday that people should not believe rumours that are being spread through social media and messages on earthquake.
"There are messages coming on social media that at 9 p.m. earthquake would come, or at 8 p.m. earthquake would come," Prasad said in the Rajya Sabha.
"Such rumours should be ignored. There is no basis to it, and if there is some authentic information, government will act on it," he said.
Rumours have been afloat on social media and through messages giving time for a "predicted" earthquake.
One of such messages making rounds on Sunday read: "North India will face next earthquake at 8.06 p.m... The next richer (Richter) scale of earthquake will be 8.2. News from NASA. Plz forward message as much as u can."