Renowned telecom expert and inventor Sam Pitroda on Saturday hit back at the BJP's for criticising him on his "non-performance" as a technical advisor to the Odisha government.
In a series of tweets, Pitroda said he is very clear about his role and responsibilities and doesn't need advice from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
"At 75 with 50 years of experience, I do not need advice from you @bjp4Odisha on what and how to execute. My role and responsibilities are very clear to me and I take it seriously for the people of Odisha," said Pitroda.
Reacting to BJP's charge on his absence during WannaCry attack in the state, he said: "Regarding #WannaCry I have little to add. Cyber Security related issues are serious matters world over and need domain experts."
Pitroda suggested the party to read his autobiography "Dreaming Big: My Journey to Connect India" instead of questioning his capability.
He clarified that he joined as the technical advisor to Odisha government because of his love for and respect for Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and his birth place Odisha.
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Pitroda has been accorded cabinet rank.
Earlier, the state unit of BJP had demanded immediate removal of Pitroda, questioning his absence at a time when some institutions in the state faced a cyber attack through a ransomware virus.