The Delhi Metro operated trains on a single tarck between Janakpuri West and Subhash Nagar stretch here on Tuesday in the wake of dust storms that lashed the city, giving Metro commuters a harrowing time.
According to an official, the single-track commutation was resorted to as overhead electric (OHE) line was damaged by dust storms.
"Services on Line-3 were delayed due to OHE line damage between Janakpuri East & West stations, caused by falling off a streetlight from flyover adjacent to the viaduct on down line at 4.43 p.m.," an official of Delhi Metro told IANS.
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The official said that because of the damage to the power line, the Metro trains were operated on single line between Janakpuri West and Subhash Nagar Metro stations.
"Single line operations between Janakpuri West and Subhash Nagar stations were undertaken for immediate repair work. Services were normalised at 6.45 p.m.," the Metro official said.
The commuters remained stranded at various stations on Blue Line.
"I was stuck at Dwarka Sector-8 Metro station for nearly 30 minutes," a commuter, Vidya Sharma, told IANS.
Delhi and the National Capital Region experienced light rain and dust storms on Tuesday afternoon.