India No. 2 Kamal Chawla of the Railways started splendidly, registering a 4-0 win over Hasan Badami of Maharashtra in the opening Group B match of the final leg of the Indian Open snooker qualifier, here Monday.
In an interesting Group D match, Pushpender Singh chugged to a 4-1 win over Siddharth Parikh with a break of 95 in the fifth frame.
The results:
Group A: Rajat Khaneja (Chd) bt Manish Jain (WB) 4-0. Group B: Kamal Chawla (Rly) bt Hasan Badami (Mah) 4-0; Alok Kumar (PSPB) bt J. Varun Kumar (TN) 4-1. Group C: Varun Madan (Del) bt R. Girish (Rly) 4-2. Group D: Pushpender Singh (Rly) bt Siddharth Parikh (Rly) 4-1; Dharminder Lilly (PB) bt Anuj Uppal (DEL) 4-2; Group E: Manan Chandra (PSPB) bt Shivam Arora (Bih) 4-1, Group F: Sumit Talwar (Chd) bt Laxman Rawat (Mah) 4-2; Sandeep Gulati (Del) bt Vijay Nichani (TN) 4-1. C Group: Varun Madan (Del) bt R. Girish(RLY) 4-2