The BJP on Sunday slammed former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram over his criticism of the Narendra Modi government's economic record, saying that Indian economy had been counted as among "fragile five" during his tenure.
"Gujarat has consistently delivered double digit growth. As the Finance Minister of India, you made Indian economy as one of the 'Fragile Five'. Do you really think you are qualified to give certificates?" BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said in a tweet.
Chidambaram on Sunday attacked Modi on job creation, saying the BJP under his leadership was not unbeatable and "a strong narrative and a carefully-crafted strategy" can defeat the ruling party.
In a series of tweets, he said that Modi had to deliver on his promises of economic growth, jobs, doubling farm income, and 'sabka saath, sabka vikas'.
Referring to Congress President Rahul Gandhi, Chidambaram said the BJP limped across the finish line in Gujarat "with a young and energised sprinter close on its heels".