A unique educational television channel named Da Vinci Learning, which aims to bring curious minds of all ages together for learning in an entertaining manner, was launched here on Wednesday.
The educational channel is for the entire family and will offer knowledge, science, documentaries-based programmes for the Indian audience. The channel also aims to offer safe and quality-based entertainment for the entire family.
Da Vinci Learning is entering the Indian market with a joint venture between Da Vinci Media GmbH and Quintillion Media Pvt. Ltd. (The Quint).
"It's been a long journey, it's been two and a half years. Of course, we have to take a license from the government...that takes a little time because there is a process involved and we are thrilled that we have partnered with the Quint," Mohit Anand, managing director, Da Vinci Learning, India told IANS.
"The channel will start coming on air starting today (Wednesday)...it will be on air on Hathway. So, over the two weeks, you will see the channel percolate over all platforms," Anand added.
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The channel's programming covers a wide array of topics ranging from physics and chemistry to history and nature, and makes complex subjects understandable, but in an entertaining way.
Asked if they would rope in a known face, Ritu Kapur, co-founder and CEO, The Quint, told IANS: "No. We discussed this and we thought about it. So far we don't want one. We want our content to speak for itself."