Two-wheeler-maker Eicher Motors Ltd on Friday said its net profit grew 62.1 percent during the third quarter of the current fiscal and it has also decided to expand production capacity at its Tamil Nadu facility.
In a statement, Eicher Motors said it closed the third quarter ended September 30, 2015 with a total income of Rs.1,301.2 crore and a net profit of Rs.228.5 crore against a total income of Rs.821.2 crore and a net profit of Rs.141 crore for corresponding period in 2014.
The company follows calendar year as its financial year.
The company's board of directors also gave their in-principle nod for creating additional capacity primarily at its plant in Tamil Nadu.
Post-expansion, the company's total two-wheeler production capacity will go up to 900,000 units by 2018.
The statement is silent on the capital expenditure on the proposed capacity addition.