The finale of British singing reality show "The X Factor" will see a bevy of stars taking the stage to perform. The line up includes Elton John, Katy Perry and One Direction band.
The show will take place at the Wembley Arena Dec 14-Dec 15 here.
John will be performing with singer Gary Barlow, who is also one of the judges on the show, on their duet "Face to face", reports
Perry will take the stage to perform her new single "Unconditionally".
Members of British band One Direction, who found their fame with the same show in 2013, will entertain the audience by performing their track "Midnight memories".
Singer Tom Odell and The Killers band are also part of the line up.
While The Killers and Odell will perform Dec 14 with Barlow and John, Perry and One Direction are scheduled for Dec 15.