Mahaweli to Ganga, Sindhu to Brahmputra
Lakshadweep, Andaman, Everest, Adam's Peak
Kabul to Thimpu, Male to Kathmandu
Dilli to Dhaka, Colombo, Islamabad
Every step in harmony
Also Read
Dzongkha, Sinhala, Nepali, Hindi, Pashto, Bengali, Urdu, English, Dhivehi
Every step in harmony
May every one has one's own identity, one's own wishes
Repeated talk of peace
Every step in harmony
Every step in harmony with SAARC
Every step in harmony with SAARC
Every step in harmony with SAARC
Every step in harmony with SAARC
Himalaya theke Hinda Sagor,Naga Hills theke Hindukush (Bangla)
Mahaweli inn Ganga, Sindhu inn Brahmputra (Dhivehi)
Lakshadweep, Andaman, Everest, Adam's Peak (English)
Kabul Lay Thimphu Tsuen, Male Lay Kathmandu (Dzongkha)
Dilli sita Dhaka, Colombo Islamabad (Sinhala)
Harek paila saath-saath, Harek paila saath-saath (Nepali)
Hindi, Nepali,Bangla, Pashto, Sinhala (Pashto)
Urdu, English, Dhivehi, har kadam saath-saath,
Har kadam saath-saath
Apni-apni pehchan, apne-apne arman (Urdu)