Popular actor Jayaprakash, who will be seen sharing the screen space with his sons - Niranjan and Dushyanth - in upcoming Tamil sports drama "Aivaraattam", says he thoroughly enjoyed working with them.
"It was the director's idea to cast both my sons in the film. I'm surprised by the kind of performance that has been extracted from them. I really enjoyed working with them although we hardly have scenes together," Jayaprakash told IANS.
"Aivaraattam" will depict the story about football set against a rural backdrop, The narration is inspired by a real incident that took place in Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu.
Directed by debutant Mithun Manickam, the film also features Nithya Shetty.
Young composer Swaminathan, grandson of Grammy winner Vikku Vinayakram, is also making his debut.