Farmers of western Uttar Pradesh under the banner of Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) on Wednesday staged a dharna and blocked traffic on Hapur road in Ghaziabad, at Pari Chowk in Greater Noida and Kala Aam in Bulandshahr.
The protesters presented memorandums to district magistrates concerned to be forwarded to the union government to remind it of the promises the BJP made to farmers during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
BKU leader Rajvir Singh said though the call was given for a nationwide dharna and road blocks but the impact was more intense in western Uttar Pradesh.
During the general elections, the BJP had promised to determine minimum support price (MSP) after factoring in cost inputs also but it forgot about its election promises once in power and MSP was being determined as per the old pattern, the protesters said.
Other demands of the BKU pertain to completely withdrawal of the land acquisition bill and setting up of a national disaster commission for compensation to farmers in case of natural disasters, BKU leader Rajvir Singh said.