Filmmaker Abhik Banu, who has earlier written a novel titled "A Dark Rainbow", has now stepped forward to support young writer Parul Sharma's novel "Confess It!!".
Banu told IANS: "If we don't help young writers, then who will? We need young, brilliant and dynamic writers."
Sharma said: "It feels good to be appreciated."
Sharma's book is published by Omji Publication and Kitab Khana.
Talking about her book, she said: "It was the story itself that inspired me to pen it. 'Confess It!!' is my best friend's story. Being a close friend, I have witnessed the crest and tough phases of her love life. Hence, I wanted to connect with people through this story."
Banu is currently busy with the promotion of his film "Gun Pe Done", which stars Jimmy Shergill, Sanjay Mishra, Vijay Razz and Tara Alisha Berry.