Move over job hunting on Linkedin. Here comes an app that would find right love for you on the professional career network.
Called LinkedUp!, this app uses data from Linkedin to help you find a perfect date.
"LinkedUp! users get a very true sense of who someone is, where they are from, where they went to school and what they do, giving users a sense of comfort and trust," its developer Max Fischer from Los Angeles was quoted as saying in media reports.
How does it work?
The app connects to the profiles of 300 million Linkedin users.
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It allows you to judge a would-be date by appearance, profession and education.
You can filter potential mates by industry, age, proximity and gender.
When two users like each other, they are encouraged to chat over the site.
A user has to opt-in and download this app to be part of the platform.
"I got the idea after I noticed people were using the career networking site to find dates," Fischer added.
The app only shows what industry the users work in and their first name and age, which can allow them to remain pretty anonymous, reports added.