If you are a die-hard lover of probiotics, you need not pop up another pill as you can get the beneficial bacteria best the natural way.
Many studies have evaluated the potential health benefits of probiotic use and the results have been quite promising.
Probiotics Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria may regulate cancer growth and even promote cancer cell death.
But how can we get more probiotics into our diets without adding another pill to our daily routine?
Here are three ways to increase your body's beneficial bacteria-load naturally.
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Eat more yogurt. Choose a yogurt that contains fewer than 10 grams of sugar per serving. Greek yogurt is typically low in sugar, so this is a good choice.
Raw sauerkraut is an amazing source of probiotics. Just be sure to buy your kraut in the refrigerated section to get the most.
Eat more fibre stuff such as leafy greens, oatmeal and whole grains since probiotics thrive on fibre, while harmful bacteria thrive on sugars and alcohols.