Gaurav Gupta made her Lakme Fashion Week debut in collaboration with Britain-based Indian origin jewellery designer Mawi Keivom and showcased a collection titled "Memphire".
Her show took place Thursday at the summer-resort 2014 edition of the fashion gala and she presented Egyptian gowns, multi-draped futuristic saris, sari-gowns and body suits.
"Memphire is a journey in time that leaps forward to an imagined Egypt, blanketed in mysticism of the future. The designs are made for women who have the power to control, transform, subdue and vanish at will," said the designer.
Gupta, who has known Mawi for years, welcomed the chance to collaborate with her for the unusual show format.
"This has been an exciting experience and the project came together very naturally. Mawi's future-primitive style resonates with my sensibility," said Gupta.