The Delhi High Court on Tuesday sought response from the central and Delhi governments while taking suo moto cognizance of the incident where a 16-year-old boy died of injuries suffered while playing inside his classroom.
A division bench of Chief Justice G.Rohini and Justice Jayant Nath sought response from central government, the lt.governor, the Delhi government, its directorates of education and health services as it took up the incident where Shakti, a class 10 student of a senior secondary government school in Jahangirpuri area of north Delhi, died due to negligence of the school authorities in not providing timely medical attention to him.
His family claimed that school authorities did nothing to help the injured student.
While playing in the classroom, Shakti climbed on a desk but his foot slipped, he fell down and his head hit the desk. As he fell unconscious, his friends took him to nearby Babu Jagjivan Ram Hospital on a motorbike.
According to family members, neither the school teachers nor police had bothered to inform them about the incident. Instead, they got a call about Shakti's condition from his school friends.