The Delhi High Court on Monday directed the city government and police to file reports on steps taken by them after three minor girls staying at a Delhi government-run orphanage went missing under mysterious circumstances.
A division bench of Chief Justice G. Rohini and Justice Jayant Nath issued notice to the Delhi government, Delhi Police and the Kilkari Rainbow Home for girls in north Delhi's Kashmere Gate area, and asked them to file their responses by December 2.
Supreme Court judge Justice T.S. Thakur had sent a letter to the high court for appropriate action following media reports on the issue, after which the high court took suo motu cognizance of the issue.
A media report said the girls -- between the age of 15 and 17 years -- were missing since the night of November 1.
As per the news article, police said there were chances that the girls might have fallen prey to an organised syndicate involved in trafficking or were pushed into the flesh trade.