Software major HCL Technologies Ltd on Tuesday reported net profit of Rs.1,920 crore for second quarter (October-December) of its fiscal (2015-16), registering 11.2 percent growth sequentially but fractionally up 0.2 percent year-on-year (YoY).
In a regulatory filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the Noida-based IT bellwether said revenue, however, grew 2.4 percent sequentially for the quarter under review (Q2) and 11.4 percent YoY to Rs.10,3412 crore.
Revenue in constant currency is up 2.1 percent sequentially and 9.3 percent YoY.
Under the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) or in dollar terms, net income for the quarter increased 10.3 percent sequentially to $291 million but declined 5.4 percent YoY, while revenue went up 1.4 percent sequentially and 5.1 percent YoY to $1,566 million ($1.6 billion).