TV personality-singer Louise Redknapp says her fashion icon is Helena Christensen because the supermodel looks great in whatever she wears.
"I am a huge Helena Christensen fan. I think she looks great. I love her style and she has been in the industry for a long time," quoted Redknapp as saying.
The 38-year-old also shared her favourite holiday look, saying "dresses with flat sandals are easy because they can take you from lunchtime through to the evening," whilst "a big beach bag that you can throw everything in" is essential.
Redknapp, also the face of wine brand Gallo Family Vineyards Summer White, likes relaxing on the beach.
"I love chilling out on the beach, when I'm not running around after the boys then a good book is great," said a mother of two sons - Charley, eight, and four-year-old Beau.
"I enjoy a glass of Gallo Summer White served with ice whilst sitting by the pool. And I also like to relax and be sociable, eating and spending time with my family," she added.