Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Tuesday dedicated developmental projects worth Rs 5.81 crore in Shimla district.
Speaking at a public meeting at Sandasu village in Chirgaon tehsils, he said there were enough educational and health institutions in the state and now there was a need to strengthen them and equip them with quality services.
Inaugurating the Community Health Centre building constructed at an expenditure of Rs.1.20 crore in Sandasu, he said it would be strengthened by providing adequate doctors and paramedical staff.
The inaugurated projects included the Primary Health Centre building at Diudi in Tangnu-Janglik gram panchayat.
He also performed a religious ceremony to mark the strengthening of the Bakhirna-Mandli-Kotsari road at an outlay of Rs 2.70 crore.