Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh Saturday announced the opening of an Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. storage depot here at an estimated cost of Rs.450 crore, besides a Canteen Stores Department (CSD) to facilitate army personnel.
Speaking at a public meeting in Santokhgarh near here, he said work on the town's sewerage plan would also be expedited and proper drainage system would be developed to solve the waterlogging problem.
The chief minister said priority was being given to the Rs.922 crore Swan river channelisation project.
"Under the fourth phase of the project, a total of 11 km area of the Swan river from Daulatpur bridge to the Gagret bridge would be channelised under, besides channelisation of all 73 tributaries of the river from Daulatpur to Santokhgarh."
Following this the people would no more have to suffer devastation due to floods, he said.
Mehatpur area would be developed for industrial activities and no effluent would be drained out into open, he added.