IT firm Tech Mahindra on Tuesday said it posted a 93 percent rise in its standalone quarterly net profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2016, at Rs.829.54 crore compared to Rs.429 crore clocked in the corresponding quarter of last year.
According to the audited standalone financial results posted on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Tech Mahindra's total income in Q4 was of Rs.5,604.63 against Rs.4,664.6 crore in the year ago quarter.
The company posted an annual standalone net profit of Rs.3,220 crore in 2015-16 as against Rs.2,256.23 in the last fiscal.
On a consolidated basis, quarterly profit rose from Rs.472 crore clocked in Q4 2014-15 to Rs.897 crore in the analysed quarter, while consolidated annual profit rose to Rs.3,118 crore in 2015-16 from Rs.2,627.6 in the last fiscal.