Hungraian Defence Minister Csaba Hende Monday said his country will definitely contribute manpower to the rapid reaction force NATO is establishing in response to Ukraine crisis.
He was speaking on the public radio about an agreement to set up a new rapid reaction force. The deal was reached last week at the NATO summit in Wales. The several thousand strong multinational spearhead troops will be deployable within two to five days after a decision is reached, Xinhua reported.
The minister also announced that Hungary was increasing its financial contribution to NATO in line with the summit agreement that called for all 28 members to contribute close to 2 percent of their GDP.
In addition, Hungary has agreed to upgrade the military air base at Papa, W. Hungary, currently used as part of NATO's multinational Strategic Airlift Capability consortium, Hende said, adding that Hungarian troops would be participating in a number of military exercises including two to two-and-a-half month long sessions in the Baltic countries.
About direct assistance to Ukraine, Hende said Hungarian military hospitals were ready to help treat soldiers wounded in the conflict.