Asshu Trikha's directorial venture "Koyelaanchal" has been cleared with an A-certificate by the censor board and veteran actor Vinod Khanna, who plays a key role in the film on the coal mafia, Tuesday said that he doesn't believe in censorship.
Expressing his views on the certification issue, he said: "I don't believe in censorship until and unless there is something against the nation, then it should be valid. In such extreme cases censorship should come into the picture."
One of the biggest stars of the 1980s and 1990s, Vinod praised the current scenario saying "filmmaking has progressed" over the years, but added that still there is a dearth of "good scripts".
The film also starring Suniel Shetty is coming out May 9.
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The 67-year-old, who has been part of about 150 movies and avoids public platforms, said he attended the "Koyelaanchal" event because the film is good and it should be promoted well.
"I think promoting films is a trend and it's part of your contract. I got a little late as I was in the midst of elections. I feel this is a great film, which needs to be pushed. It's a kind of film which has no A-listers in it," he said at the film's event.
Talking about the theme of the movie, he said: "Not many people are aware that the coal mafia is the oldest mafia of this country and it's been here for 200 years. People didn't talk about it as it was a private sector, but when it got nationalised things came out. Coal scam is the biggest issue in front of our country."
Sky is the limit for actors, he feels.
"This is one field where you can explore as much as you want to. Acting is nothing but a whole experience of coming up," he said.