Indian shot putter Inderjeet Singh on Wednesday created history by winning the country's first Universiade, also known as the World University Games, gold medal in athletics here.
"I would like to thank the almighty, my family and my coach Pritam Singh for their support. I am looking forward to the World Athletics Championship in China next month where I hope to better my personal best," said the 26-year-old Inderjeet who hails from Haryana.
Despite a sluggish start, as he committed a foul in his first attempt, Inderjeet showed remarkable resolve to bounce back with throws of 18.79 metres and 18.95m in subsequent attempts. The fifth attempt saw him throw 19.80m, with the clincher being his sixth and final throw of 20.27m, catapulting him to the top spot.
Inderjeet has had a phenomenal year, with five gold medals in all five international events he has participated thus far in 2015, including three Asian Grand Prix gold medals and another in the Asian Athletics Championships.