Trinamool Congress MP Kunal Kumar Ghosh Friday said that the Prime Minister's Office had refused to share some files related to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose on an RTI application and asked the government to inform the parliament about the last phase of the freedom fighter.
Raising the issue in the Rajya Sabha, Ghosh said the information had been withheld on the RTI (Right to Information) query as the government said it was classified.
He said RTI applicant Chandrachur Ghose had filed the RTI application for information on three files related to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
"There is no information about the last phase of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Please inform the house about Netaji," Ghosh said.
He said that reports of earlier committees which looked into the mysterious disappearance of Bose had also not been revealed.
Bose had formed Indian National Army in 1943 to fight British rule in India.