Bollywood stars Sonam Kapoor, Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautam along with TV actors Rashami Desai and Arjun Bijlani will spread joy and laughter on the small screen with a special show titled "Ishkiyaon Dhishkiyaon", which will air on February 14.
The Valentine's Day special show will be hosted by comedian Bharti Singh and "Dilwale" star Varun Sharma.
Other stars from the small screen world to perform include Mouni Roy, Karan Wahi, Adaa Khan and Sana Saeed.
Sonam along with musician Shekhar Ravjiani, who is making his debut with "Neerja", will be promoting their forthcoming film on the show, which will air on Star Plus channel.
Pulkit and Yami will be seen performing on the romantic track of their movie "Sanam Re". They will be joined by film's director Divya Khosla Kumar.
The actors will be shaking their leg on popular love songs. So, if you are still thinking of what to do on Valentine's Day, you can turn on the television set for the dose of love, music, dance and fun.