The twitterati came out in support of External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj under the hashtag #IStandwithSushmaSwaraj, amid a row over her having helped former IPL chief Lalit Modi with travel documents in July last year for treatment of his cancer-afflicted wife.
"SushmaSwaraj Madam you are doing a great job & keep up the momentum. we whole heartedly support you. Don't bother abt meaningless criticisms," wrote one supporter on Twitter.
"It is clearly a hit job on @SushmaSwaraj ! Just because she was the best performing BJP Minister? #IstandwithSushmaSwaraj", was a particularly popular tweet.
"SushmaSwaraj Just ignore #presstitutes. We are with u mam.#IstandWithSushmaSwaraj," wrote another.
"SushmaSwaraj how many people know the mental state of Cancer patients family members? U r doing good job as EAM. #IStandWithSushmaSwaraj," wrote another.
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One post was tongue-in-cheek: "If Sushma Swaraj helps Dawood Ibrahim on 'humanitarian grounds' for any treatment of his relatives, #IStandWithSushmaSwaraj."
In counter, the hashtag #SushmaMustResign was also doing the rounds.
One post went: "Meanwhile Asaram bhakts have approached Sushma Swaraj to help Asaram get bail on humanitarian grounds. #SushmaMustResign."