BJP leader Arun Jaitley Sunday dismissed the probability of a Third Front government after the Lok Sabha election, calling its constituents "merchants of instability".
"Those who toy with the idea of a Third Front with Congress support are only reviving an idea which has repeatedly failed. Such non-ideological combinations formed purely for convenience can never deliver governance," Jaitley said in his blog.
Jaitley said that the Congress, which according to him will be reduced to two digits in parliament, was feeling insecure vis-a-vis BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's rise to power.
"The Congress is unable to visualize another party or person in power, least of all Modi," he said.
"The guilt of having tried to implicate him falsely for over 12 years has created a fear psychosis about Modi in the Congressmen's minds," he said.
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader contended that the Congress virtually accepted defeat when its leader Salman Khurshid said that his party may consider supporting a Third Front government.