Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Thursday requested the central government to release Rs.19,555 crore towards drought relief in the state and said the state government had done its part in finding resources.
A 10-member central team that toured Tamil Nadu to assess the drought damage in the state met Jayalalithaa at the secretariat here and appreciated the measures taken by the state government to manage the drought.
The leader of the central team Pravesh Sharma also appreciated that there was no migration of people from drought-affected areas because of the proactive actions taken by the state government, said a statement issued by the Tamil Nadu government.
Thanking the central team, Jayalalithaa said the state government had submitted a drought memorandum and requested the central government to release Rs.19,555 crore towards drought relief measures.
She said the state government had taken all necessary actions within its financial means for drought relief.