Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa has sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intervention in resolvng a strike at Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd (NLC).
In a letter to Modi, sent on Wednesday and released to media here on Thursday, Jayalalithaa said the wage settlement for NLC workers is due from January 1, 2012 and "though they have been given interim relief in June 2014, their wage settlement has not been made so far".
The NLC workers went on strike from June 20 to press from their demand for an early wage settlement
"May I, therefore, request you to kindly instruct the ministry of coal to immediately look into the grievances of the NLC workers and settle the issue amicably at the earliest in the interest of the industrial climate of Tamil Nadu and also in the interest of ensuring uninterrupted power supply to Tamil Nadu," the chief minister said.
Tamil Nadu gets 1,450 MW of power generated by NLC.