Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Thursday slammed the central government for not taking any concerted effort to secure the release of Indian fishermen detained in Sri Lankan jails despite her repeated letters.
In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Thursday, the text of which was released to the media, Jayalalithaa listed out various incidents of attacks on fishermen from Tamil Nadu by the Sri Lankan Navy.
"I am sorry to note that despite my repeatedly writing to you with regard to these incidents of unprovoked assault on Tamil Nadu fishermen and their detention in Sri Lankan jails, there appears to be no concerted effort by the Government of India to secure the release of these fishermen."
She said the fishermen belonged to one of the poorest sections of society for whom prolonged periods of custody in an alien land meant loss of livelihood.
"The entire fishermen community in Tamil Nadu is agitated over this issue. There appears to be no action by the Government of India to secure their release," she said.
Drawing the prime minister's attention to the plight of 34 fishermen, she said they were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy in various incidents while fishing in the seas.