Himachal Pradesh High Court Chief Justice Mansoor Ahmad Mir Saturday called upon judicial officers to render speedy justice in cases relating to juveniles and cyber crimes.
Speaking at a conference on cyber laws and juvenile justice, organised by the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Academy here, he emphasised on the need for continuous education to understand the complex nature of cyber crime.
"Technology changes rapidly and unless the investigating agencies, prosecuting attorneys and trial judges understand the rapid changes and respond to it, criminal justice administration will be unable to provide remedy to the aggrieved."
Justice Mir said better understanding of the cyber world will equip judges to meet the challenges up thrown by technology and help them in deciding cases quickly.
He also emphasised on the need to understand the problems faced by juveniles.
Justice Rajiv Sharma stressed on the need for the judiciary to be trained in the concepts related to cyber crime so they could appreciate the electronic evidence produced before them and make an informed judgment.