Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan-starrer Tamil drama "Uttama Villain" will hit the theatres April 2. Eros International has bagged the theatrical rights of the film along with its Telugu dubbed version.
"We are extremely proud to associate with Eros, the most powerful and successful name in contemporary Indian cinema to co-produce our prestigious 'Uttama Villain', starring Kamal Hassan. It will be released worldwide April 2," producer N. Lingusamy said in a statement.
Produced by Thirupathi Brothers, "Uttama Villain", which is directed by actor Ramesh Aravind, features Haasan in dual roles that of an eighth century artist and a modern-day superstar.
The film also features Andrea Jeremiah, Pooja Kumar, Parvathy Menon, Parvathy Nair, Urvashi, Jayaraman, M.S Bhaskar, K. Balachander and K. Vishwanath.
Eros will also release Thirupathi Brothers-produced Tamil comedy "Rajini Murugan" in May.