Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, accused in a defamation case filed by senior congress leader Kapil Sibal's son Amit, appeared before a court here on Saturday.
Kejriwal appeared before Metropolitan Magistrate Sunil Kumar Sharma after Amit Sibal's counsel opposed his application seeking exemption from personal appearance as Kejriwal had to attend the convocation function of St. Stephen's College.
Sibal's counsel Mohit Mathur opposed Kejriwal's plea and said whether a college convocation was more important than attending court proceedings.
Kejriwal's counsel Rahul Mehra told the court that Kejriwal and Sisodia would appear before it at 12.30 p.m. and after that both marked their presence in the afternoon.
Mathur, however, did not oppose the exemption plea moved by Sisodia.
Advocate Prashant Bhushan and Shazia Ilmi, who has quit the Aam Aadmi Party, accused in the case also appeared before court.
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Meanwhile, the court recorded the statement of Amit Sibal.
The case was filed by Amit Sibal after Kejriwal, during a press conference in 2013, alleged conflict of interest over his appearing in the Supreme Court for telecom major Vodafone while his father was the union communication minister.