A Kerala Police team Saturday arrived in Rajasthan's capital Jaipur with former Odisha police chief's son Bitti Mohanty, who jumped parole in 2006 while serving a sentence in a jail here for raping a German tourist.
Mohanty, son of former Indian Police Service officer B.B. Mohanty, was brought to Jaipur in the morning and taken to the Central Jail, a Rajasthan Police officer told IANS.
"He will be presented in a court Monday," said the officer.
Kerala Police arrested Mohanty in March from Kannur in Kerala for jumping parol and living under a disguise in south India.
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A Rajasthan police officer said: "A case was registered against Mohanty in Jaipur for jumping parole."
He said soon after his arrest in Kannur, Rajasthan Police rushed a team to Kerala to bring him to the city but their counterparts in Kerala could not give his custody at that time as they themselves were completing the investigation, he said.
"Our team returned after serving a production warrant that required Kerala Police to bring Mohanty to Jaipur," said the officer.
Mohanty was arrested for raping a German tourist in Rajasthan's Alwar district March 21, 2006. He was convicted April 12, 2006.
He was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment on rape charges and lodged in Jaipur jail. In November 2006, he secured parole to meet his ailing mother and did not return.
Mohanty's father served as director general, home guards, and fire services at the time when Mohanty committed the crime.